This is kind of a long post: It all started at 35 weeks pregnant. It was a Sunday and I started to have a headache, nothing serious to note. I went to work Monday and Tuesday still with a slight headache. I get to work on Wednesday and my headache is getting worse. I check my blood pressure and it's pretty high so, I call my doctors office and they want me to go straight to labor and delivery at the hospital to get checked out. At this point I start to cry because I have no idea what's going to happen. I try and call Chris but he is in class. I call my mom and she was going to come pick me up at work and take me to the hospital. Meanwhile Chris calls me back and we meet up at the Costco in Orem so he can take me to the hospital. We get there and they get me right into the triage room and get me hooked up to the baby monitor and contraction monitor. My blood pressure was still high. They drew blood and I get to lay on the bed til we get the blood work results and have my blood...